13 February 19

Study break yeilds Manly West woman $89,000 Keno win

  • A temporary pause from the text books has yielded a studious Manly West woman a Keno prize of over $89,000 after she bought an entry on a whim during her study break.
  • The winner held a Keno 8 Spot winning entry in game 765 on Sunday 10 February 2019 that scored $89,461.30.
  • The Manly West woman revealed the windfall would help her pay off her student loans and help her save for the future.
  • The woman, who wishes to remain anonymous, purchased her Keno 8 Spot at Manly Hotel, 54 Cambridge Parade, Manly.

By Ally Ramsamy

Updated 26 February 2019 - 9:59 am,

first published at 13 February 2019 - 9:43 am

A temporary pause from the text books has yielded a studious Manly West woman a Keno prize of over $89,000 after she bought an entry on a whim during her study break.

The winner held a Keno 8 Spot winning entry in game 765 on Sunday 10 February 2019 that scored $89,461.30.

Speaking with a Keno official today, the hardworking student confessed she had bought the ticket on a whim after taking a break from a long day of studying.

“I’m a full time student and I had been studying all day,” she explained.

“I popped down to the shop to pick up some food and heard a band playing at the Manly Hotel next door.

“I thought to myself ‘I can treat myself to a drink and break’ and while I was there I popped on a Keno game.

“I marked my numbers using my birthday and my family’s birthdays.

“I was sitting there and listening to the band and watched the game up on screen.

“I was just about to leave when I saw the numbers come up on the screen and because they were birthday numbers I know off by heart, I could see that I had won something!”

The happy woman revealed instead of celebrating the win, she headed back home and continued her study session.

“I did go home and tried to hit the books!” she confessed.

“But I was too excited. I had to go to university the next day too but even then it was hard to concentrate!”

When asked how she planned to spend her Keno windfall, the winner revealed it would go a long way.

“It’s amazing!” she declared.

“It will pay off my whole student debt and fees and pay off my car loan.

“I will still have some money to put away for the future.”

The woman, who wishes to remain anonymous, purchased her Keno 8 Spot at Manly Hotel, 54 Cambridge Parade, Manly.

Manly Hotel event coordinator Melinda Pugh said she was thrilled the Manly Hotel had sold another major Keno prize.

“We are so happy that one of our customers has taken home such an awesome prize!” she exclaimed.

“It’s great that it has gone to one of our Manly locals, and such a deserving one as well.

“We’ve sold a couple of large prizes in the past including a prize of $1.6 million a few years ago so we are definitely lucky.

“We wish her all the best!

This year marks the 22th anniversary of Keno in Queensland. Queenslanders win $26 million on average each month playing the game in pubs and clubs around the state.

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